Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finished Purse & Price

Yeah the Sailor Moon Super S Purse is all done and it is awesome!  Pictures will never do justice to the stuff I sell.  I do the best I can, but it is really hard to capture sparkles in a camera.  If any of my readers could please give me a comment on how much you would pay for the Sailor Moon or Mini Moon purse please tell me.  I just don't know what a good price is for it.  Some of my friends think I am not charging enough.  Thank you.  Check it out at

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sailor Moon Super S Purse

The Sailor Mini Moon Purse turned out awesome and I have two requests on Etsy for Sailor Moon Super S purses, so I'm trying to get it done.  I really hope the people who want me to make the purse actually buy it when it's finished.  I have had people say they were going to buy something on Etsy and then they never do.  It's really frustrating.  If you say your going to do something, do it.  That's why my general rule is to not start production on something until it is actually ordered and paid for on Etsy.  I am really glad people out there like my designs.  I am still not sure the fairest price though.  Alot of hard work goes into each item I make, but I feel like since this stuff is made from duct tape I shouldn't charge too much.  IDK.  I'll figure it out eventually.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Artemis Wallet and Sailor Mini Moon Purse

I finished the Artemis wallet and I am currently working on a unique duct tape purse.  It is based on the Sailor Mini Moon's outfit from Super S.  It will be White, Pink and Yellow with ruffles and a heart.  I hope people will like it.  Alot of my items seem to be pretty popular.  I just know more items will sell soon.  Starting in July I will need to take a short break from making new items so I can make my costume for NDK.  As soon as I finish that I will get back to making new designs.  i have so many good ideas that I can't wait to share with everyone.  Soon enough :)

I also really like the new technique I am using.  It makes the designs on the wallets more precise and more durable.  It also takes less time for me to make each wallet by doing it that way.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I sold another Luna Wallet.  Also, my customer would like to buy an Artemis and Sailor Venus wallet from me.  I just finished making another Luna wallet and want to get started on the other two asap.  I have to make a gift for my father in-law first though.  I also tried doing the woven duct tape.  It's interesting and I liked making the green woven box for a friend.  I still need to finish the flower for it though.  I feel so busy right now.  I am also busy at my other job too.  I am working about 35 hours a week at the coffe shop and putting in countless hours on the business, but I think it's worth it.  I am really happy that people like my little wallets.  I just knew I would sell them.  How could you resist?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Business Connections

Great News!  After I sent my first wallet to my customer, I went to one of my favorite restaurants called Himilyan Cuisine to have lunch.  I was talking to the own that I've known for awhile and started talking about my business and things that I make.  He said he would like to sell my wallets in his shop.  I couldn't believe it.  He said we could work out a wholesale cost for him or I can just consign them in his shop.  I am so excited!  Things just keep getting better and I'm loving it.  Stay positive and those good vibes will start working for you:)  I have so much work to do........

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sold my first duct tape wallet!!

Yeah!  I sold my first duct tape wallet.  I sold the Luna wallet, so I had better get to work right away.  Got to get it shipped asap.  I am really a customer service driven person and I hope my customers realize that because if something was wrong with an item I sent them, I would do whatever I could to resolve the problem.  I am so happy that it took less than a month to sell my first wallet.  I posted that on May 21, 2012 and it sold on June 6, 2012.  It took only 16 days to sell the first item.  That's so AWESOME!  Okay, I'm bouncing off the walls and it's 11:15pm.  At least I don't have to go to my "Day Job" until the afternoon tomorrow, lol.  LUNA ROCKS!!!!!

Captain America Wallet

I am so excited.  I figured out a better way to make my wallets which will make them stronger and faster to make.  I bought a laminater and will be using it in all my new designs.  It works sooo good.  I wish I had made my first wallet this way, but being creative requires alot of trial and error :)  I am posting the new Captain America Wallet now.  I decided to make the Captain America wallet for my Dad because he likes him.  I gotta make one more Father's Day gift for my father in-law and then I will be back to making more fun stuff from Sailor Moon, Naruto, Bleach, Vampire Knight, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist and much more :) Click on the Captain America Wallet to be taken to my Etsy website.

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Goal

So that GOAL I set for June, I actually beat in May, which is sooo awesome.  My highest number of views was 125 and I beat it by 1 view at 126 views.  My new GOAL for JUNE is to have twice as many views as the previous month.  I think I can do it.  That means I need to have 252 views in the month of JUNE.  I am going to be working super hard to get more stuff posted, so I can get more views and more sales :)