Friday, May 25, 2012

Dexter's Boutique

Hi All,

Alright, so this is my very first blog. I have been so busy lately that I figured that this would be faster than trying to Vlog. I started a small business last year and I am working on making it grow, so I have been busy designing new products and getting networking ready for it. I started making duct tape wallets and I absolute love them. It is a fun medium to work with and it allows me endless possibilities. I use sharpie to create the designs on the wallets. I take alot of time and care to create each item. I know people will love the items in my store and I'm sure that things will be selling in no time. Since I am a super busy business women I am going to keep my blogs short and to the point.

So, on my duct tape wallets, I like covering the image with clear tape to protect the image. I was having alot of trouble with air pockets/bubbles. Luckily, I found how to properly apply the clear tape so there a virtually no bubbles anymore, just a few. I am so happy because they were driving me nuts. So If you see bubbles on items I posted before May 25th those should come out alot better on my new wallets since I know how to make them better. Yeah!  I'll have to remake those wallets and take new pictures soon. I will be posting the Hatsune Miku - Love Is War Wallet soon and it has almost no bubbles in it. I work so hard on those little wallets, I hope I make a sale soon.

If you want to know how to properly add clear tape to a design without air bubbles go to:

If you want to read my personal and business blogs please check out my website at

If you interested in my Etsy shop please go to

Thanks for reading,
Heather Dexter

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