Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hatsune Miku Tie

I know i said I wasn't going to do more Vocaloid for alittle while, but I just couldn't resist making her tie.  Her is a cute picture of it.  If you want to buy it click on the picture and it will take you to my etsy store :)

Spiral Duct Tape Flower's

I am so exited.  I taught myself how to make those pretty duct tape flowers spiral for my tins.  I'll post a picture on here soon.  Just gotta get it finished :)  There are 68 petals, 2 zebra leaves and 1 pink metallic pearl in the middle on the flower.  It is also super cool cause it's MAGNETIC, so you can put it anywhere on the tin or even on a fridge :)  If you want to buy it click on it and you will be taken to my etsy site.

I finished and posted the Hatsune Miku Love Is War wallet the other day.  I have some more vocaloid stuff to work on, but I am going to be making these awesome decorative tins and some more sailor moon stuff. 

I am going to try and attemp to go to Animeland Wasabi in March to sell my stuff there.  I am just worried that I may not be able to go due to the time of year and it being super busy at work.  Luckily, my husband said he would cover my booth for me so it wouldn't be a complete waste if I can't go.  Also, I'm not sure how many of each item I will need for the convention.  I guess it will be a learning experience.  At least I have plenty of time to figure it out and make lots of stuff.

Thanks for reading,

Heather Dexter

Love Is War Wallet - Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Re-listed Etsy Item

I was really silly and had an item that I had sold on Etsy awhile ago, but forgot to repost.  I have all the materials to remake the item.  I wonder why I didn't repost it sooner? 
My goal for next month is to have more shop views than any other month before.  It looks like it will go good as long as I keep adding new items.  I also want to have more views and revenue for my shop than last year.  These are my little goals to keep me motivated :)

I love those duct tape wallets <3

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dexter's Boutique

Hi All,

Alright, so this is my very first blog. I have been so busy lately that I figured that this would be faster than trying to Vlog. I started a small business last year and I am working on making it grow, so I have been busy designing new products and getting networking ready for it. I started making duct tape wallets and I absolute love them. It is a fun medium to work with and it allows me endless possibilities. I use sharpie to create the designs on the wallets. I take alot of time and care to create each item. I know people will love the items in my store and I'm sure that things will be selling in no time. Since I am a super busy business women I am going to keep my blogs short and to the point.

So, on my duct tape wallets, I like covering the image with clear tape to protect the image. I was having alot of trouble with air pockets/bubbles. Luckily, I found how to properly apply the clear tape so there a virtually no bubbles anymore, just a few. I am so happy because they were driving me nuts. So If you see bubbles on items I posted before May 25th those should come out alot better on my new wallets since I know how to make them better. Yeah!  I'll have to remake those wallets and take new pictures soon. I will be posting the Hatsune Miku - Love Is War Wallet soon and it has almost no bubbles in it. I work so hard on those little wallets, I hope I make a sale soon.

If you want to know how to properly add clear tape to a design without air bubbles go to:

If you want to read my personal and business blogs please check out my website at

If you interested in my Etsy shop please go to

Thanks for reading,
Heather Dexter