Monday, July 2, 2012

Goal Attained & Miku Cosplay

Yeah!  So not only did I blow my goal out of the water I also sold 5 things in the month of June.  That is so awesome considering I would only sell little things off and on each month since I opened.  I know I didn't have much in my store and that is why I sold so little.  So I ended June with 691 views.  That's amazing!  My goal for this July is 800 views and hopefully 6 sales.  I will need to take a bit of a break from making new items to make my Duct Tape Miku costume.  I will still be filling all orders during that time, but not designing anything new until I get the costume finished.  It's gonna be so awesome.  I might sell those too, but I'm not sure yet.  I need to see how long and how much it costs to make one.  I think it will cost considerably less to make than a normal costume and it should go alot faster too.

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