Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rainbow Duct Tape

The Rainbow Duct tape finally arrived, so today I will be working on a Nyan Cat Wallet and a Rainbow Dash Wallet.  I hope everyone likes it.  I take a lot of time thinking about my designs before I make them to make sure they will look great.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rainbow Dash, Pendant Problem, New Goals & Success

My newest addition to my store should be finished soon.  The Rainbow Dash Wallet will be posted, hopefully, be the end of next week.  I have been waiting for some rainbow duct tape to come in the mail.  I hand drew Rainbow Dash, outlined it with black ink and then scanned it into the computer.  Then I used Photoshop to color it and add some special effects.  For some reason I just can't get enough of gradients, lol.
On another note, sadly, the pendants haven't been working out right.  First I used TLS to protect the image, but it cam off too easy.  Then I used a clear resin, but it ran off most of the pendants or created a weird haze after curing.  That was one failure out of many successes though, so I can't be too sad. 
I am also trying to make a Fluttershy Figurine.  So far it is going well, but I still need to add ears, a mane and tail.
Things wrapped up very well in December for Dexter's Boutique.  I had the most views, sales and gross earnings that I have ever had.  It was alot of hard work and I think I worked just about every single day in December.
I also have some new goals for this year in my shop which include:
  • Q1~ 1000+ views in one month
  • 2013 ~ 11+ sales in one month
  • 2013 ~ 1500+ views in one month
  • 2013 ~ $1000+ gross earnings for the year
I think thats a good start.  They might change if I happen to beat the goal before the end of the year.  Gotta make this business grow.  Little by little it will get there.